I pretty much watched just parts of Dune 1 while my husband was watching it, so didn't really get a good grasp on the movie. He wanted to go see the 2nd one, so we went to see it this past weekend. It was a long movie.
There were a few times that we would look at each other like, WTH? Like when all the Fremen (sand people) were all non-white and prayed like Muslims, and seemed to me that they portrayed all the white groups that were after the spice like evil people. They had Baron Harkonnen (that weird evil uncle dude) that kissed his nephew, Feyd-Rautha (weird evil nephew- and why does his name remind me of Roth?) full on the mouth.
The witch Reverend Mother Mohiam, at the end said something like ... "Now starts the Holy War", as the Fremen were pretty much destroying the other groups.
And what is with the blue worm juice?
I guess I can be reading this movie all wrong being I have never read the books on it or completely watched the first one.
When I searched GAW for Dune 2, this post came up from about 6 months ago, so I thought I'd share it because the op (SuqamisLostPassport) thought the movie had coms.
Dune Part 2 Comms
Here's the trailer for the movie... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15239678/
There's a good interview from 1965 where he goes into great detail about his inspiration for the story.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-mLVVJkH7I