ICYMI - This was posted on The Donald (I never read that), but warrants repeating on GAW - Excerpts:
From Truth Justice - PENTAGON CHILD PORN: The U.S. Department of Defense ranked 19th out of 3000 networks in terms of peer to peer sharing of child pornography. The DOD computers are being used to share, spread and access child pornography at the highest level within the DOD. 80% are not prosecuted. U.S. Immigration and Customs Investigations identified over 5,000 Pentagon Department of Defense, U.S. Military, DARPA, NSA and NASA employees involved in Child Pornography, some had the highest Top Secret security clearances which may involve blackmail.
Thousands of sexually exploited children were as young as 3 years old. (DCIS) The Department of Defense Investigation Service dropped the case after 8 months due to lack of resources. Over 1,700 employees were never investigated. I'm sure there are many < 3 years old. They didn't say that 3 years old was the youngest, just thousands of them. Some are newborns.
Pedophilia is the induction glue of the Deep State. Pedophilia is how the Deep State recruits and controls its people, it is also the achilles heel of the Deep State. Once the public realizes that the government is not protecting their children, then everything else about the government will be called into question.
Former United Nations Executive Director states that the Oligarch's, all of them are related to the System of Pedophilia and use Pedophilia to control Presidents, Prime Ministers and other Top officials around the world. Millions of children every year disappear without a trace. These millions of innocent children need you to fight for them. They are being raped, tortured, murdered and sacrificed every year.
Microsoft and Cisco have hundreds of offices across the world. HQ is in Redmond WA for MSFT and San Jose CA for CSCO. Guess what all the other offices are called? Cisco and Microsoft.
And no - nowhere near 3 million people actually work for DOD. They might pay that many, but they aren't all working.
That includes the army, the Navy etc
I worked there for 5 years as active duty USAF, but thanks for letting me know.