Just a simple question I want you to deeply consider. How can the antichrist make war with the saints and overcome them if they have been raptured out before he can make war with them? C.I. Scofeild was a scam artist! So was John Nelson Darby!
I’m not familiar with those names, so forgive my ignorance. From what I understand, after the rapture, there will be people who turn to Christ and refuse the Mark of the Beast. They are called “New Saints.” They will be hunted down and executed by the antichrist. Some believe that there will be a second rapture for the surviving New Saints before Armageddon.
Fear not. Believers are taken before the tribulation.
I just said this. Hilarious. We’re on the same path.
Just a simple question I want you to deeply consider. How can the antichrist make war with the saints and overcome them if they have been raptured out before he can make war with them? C.I. Scofeild was a scam artist! So was John Nelson Darby!
I’m not familiar with those names, so forgive my ignorance. From what I understand, after the rapture, there will be people who turn to Christ and refuse the Mark of the Beast. They are called “New Saints.” They will be hunted down and executed by the antichrist. Some believe that there will be a second rapture for the surviving New Saints before Armageddon.
Wow, down-voted into oblivion. The truth is like a lion, just set it free and it will defend itself.