Based on those man-on-the-street videos where they ask these young people wandering about in Times Square simple questions everyone should know, revealing the absolute ignorance these upright, walking humans possess, I fear that these imbeciles will still vote the straight 'D' ticket until the immigrant hordes completely take over New York and rape and beat them to death.
Same in Europe. Welcoming in the hordes that will destroy the civilization . . . that they believe they have . . . that they believe compels them to "welcome" their own destructors. . . They are WRONG. Civilization does not welcome its own destruction.
Will they vote for their own safety YET?
OR will they vote for straight ticket for the Party of Abortion??
Based on those man-on-the-street videos where they ask these young people wandering about in Times Square simple questions everyone should know, revealing the absolute ignorance these upright, walking humans possess, I fear that these imbeciles will still vote the straight 'D' ticket until the immigrant hordes completely take over New York and rape and beat them to death.
Same in Europe. Welcoming in the hordes that will destroy the civilization . . . that they believe they have . . . that they believe compels them to "welcome" their own destructors. . . They are WRONG. Civilization does not welcome its own destruction.
The only ones "welcoming" the hordes are the media and the politicians. NOWHERE do the people want this invasion.