You hit the nail on the head. They used up 94% of all registered voters in the country in 2020. And millions of those were fraudulent registrations. True the vote, Fractile and Judiciary Watch are and will be taking big bites out of the fake voter rolls. Trump is up double digits with the independents and making big inroads with the democrat base (minorities, young people and women). Squeezing from both sides. Right now they can’t win without switching votes and destroying Republican votes.
You hit the nail on the head. They used up 94% of all registered voters in the country in 2020. And millions of those were fraudulent registrations. True the vote, Fractile and Judiciary Watch are and will be taking big bites out of the fake voter rolls. Trump is up double digits with the independents and making big inroads with the democrat base (minorities, young people and women). Squeezing from both sides. Right now they can’t win without switching votes and destroying Republican votes.