I worked at a hotel that boarded 100 SW and 50 AA flight crew members a day. You would not believe the size of the toys found in male flight attendants' rooms that were turned into lost and found... As a side note, some male flight attendants are hetro, but not many.
I’m confused a smidge….Shouldn’t this have a shitpost flag? I’m not saying that the message is inaccurate, but what’s with the terrible photoshop? I’m glad nobody took the time to make it look real, tho.
I worked at a hotel that boarded 100 SW and 50 AA flight crew members a day. You would not believe the size of the toys found in male flight attendants' rooms that were turned into lost and found... As a side note, some male flight attendants are hetro, but not many.
I hope to see the day of a wholesome America
I’m confused a smidge….Shouldn’t this have a shitpost flag? I’m not saying that the message is inaccurate, but what’s with the terrible photoshop? I’m glad nobody took the time to make it look real, tho.
Any sex act that doesn’t have the possibility of procreation is pushed and supported. In Texas we call that, sodomy.
Yes. They need to be shamed so hard that they can't participate in normal society.
This guys face looks like one of those CIA masks