yeah man he has two albums, Revolutionary Vol 1 and 2....and like, hearing them in my teens molded where i stand today which is here at GAW.
it's funny all his "anti gov" stuff made me think about how before trump we didnt have someone we could say hey i love AMERICA i just hate these people in charge that our poisoning their well. it was either u support insert candidate or you hate america
like, we love america thats why we dont want to see it destroyed.
But back then I didnt know this storm was coming, the sky was clear. I just knew shit was more than it seems so i started looking into stuff then i found him and it was gasoline on the fire.
that said, wanna hear someone else? hes the very first rapper i ever heard expose illuminati symbology and etc
WOW. That's some information there. Appreciate.
yeah man he has two albums, Revolutionary Vol 1 and 2....and like, hearing them in my teens molded where i stand today which is here at GAW.
it's funny all his "anti gov" stuff made me think about how before trump we didnt have someone we could say hey i love AMERICA i just hate these people in charge that our poisoning their well. it was either u support insert candidate or you hate america
like, we love america thats why we dont want to see it destroyed.
But back then I didnt know this storm was coming, the sky was clear. I just knew shit was more than it seems so i started looking into stuff then i found him and it was gasoline on the fire.
that said, wanna hear someone else? hes the very first rapper i ever heard expose illuminati symbology and etc
Yes. Bring some more. I can go check.
My was Alex Jones. People hated him. LOL
ayee since you mention alex, do you know who upchurch is?
No. don't know upchurch.