46 What’s good for the goose is…. (www.breitbart.com) posted 12 months ago by Irishman4Trump6 12 months ago by Irishman4Trump6 +46 / -0 District Judge: Gun Ban For Illegal Immigrant Unconstitutional U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman decided against a federal ban on gun ownership for illegal immigrant Heriberto Carbajal-Flores. 11 comments share 11 comments share save hide report block hide replies
That makes him a foreign invading force.
And a legit target for law abiding citizens.
Illegal comes into USA in January; Illegal gets caught with gun in March (2 months later); Illegal gets off of illegal possession because libtard judge says hes a good guy with a clean record.
Prepping to give the same consideration when it comes to other rights such as the right to vote.
They can't have their invaders facing citizens without guns when the SHTF. They intend to start the shit flying with these criminals.
They don't just want them for voting. They want a civil war, and they intend to start one.
If you're not there yet, get ready. Time is short.
"They will fight but YOU ARE READY."
Ganders, know different.
Couldn't have picked a more garbage handgun for the image, a TT-40