I am commanded by Messiah to judge a tree’s fruit before consuming it.
I am warned by Messiah that in the Last Days there would be many false prophets and false messiahs and the only way I won’t be fooled is if I KNOW Him and have hidden His Word in my heart.
He warned that if anyone came presenting another Jesus we are to reject them outright. No compromise.
The Mormon Jesus is brothers with Satan. The Chosen is a Mormon production. It is ear-tickling and tugs at the heart strings but that doesn’t mean it’s true or holy.
If you (or anyone else) is a true disciple of Messiah, ask His Holy Spirit for discernment in this matter. Weigh the show’s script vs. Holy Scripture. It subtly twists and subverts in such a way that if you are a blind, naked Laodicean you will not notice.
Who put you on the judgement seat?
I am commanded by Messiah to judge a tree’s fruit before consuming it.
I am warned by Messiah that in the Last Days there would be many false prophets and false messiahs and the only way I won’t be fooled is if I KNOW Him and have hidden His Word in my heart.
He warned that if anyone came presenting another Jesus we are to reject them outright. No compromise.
The Mormon Jesus is brothers with Satan. The Chosen is a Mormon production. It is ear-tickling and tugs at the heart strings but that doesn’t mean it’s true or holy.
If you (or anyone else) is a true disciple of Messiah, ask His Holy Spirit for discernment in this matter. Weigh the show’s script vs. Holy Scripture. It subtly twists and subverts in such a way that if you are a blind, naked Laodicean you will not notice.
Wow, I thought I had read the ramblings of crazy people before, but this takes the cake!
And I'm retarded.
Doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Do you know what an ad hominem attack is? It's a typical ploy of leftards and their ilk.
Sounds like you're trying to operate outside your pay grade. You might want to try humbling yourself.
Better to operate outside one's pay grade than to add or subtract from Scripture.
Revelation has some serious warnings about putting words in Jesus' mouth.