"The purpose of several coup attempts was not to install a military junta [pronounced HOON-tah] but to restore by necessary force the American Republic, which had gone downhill since the overthrow of the U.S. government by the American secret political police, by way of the murder in 1963 of President John F. Kennedy."
Internet Archive: Sherman, H. Skolnick, Overthrow Of The American Republic--The Writings Of Sherman Skolnick, Dandelion Enterprises ( 2007)
I just downloaded the PDF of this collection, over 200 pages worth. It will be a while before I can plow through it all.
You can download it here:
A lot has been learned since then.
Agreed. It seems like they have been more successful this time around - the additional 20 years to prepare probably helped.
Also, I'm guessing the creation of Space Force and making Special Forces their own separate military command (inaccessible to the corrupt intel agencies) helped a lot.
The military loved and or respected JFK. He was a Navy WWII veteran and a legitimate war hero he was also their boss (CiC). Mil-intel knew the CIA was involved in the assassination. That's when they started doing something about it. Mainly they beefed up MI. The NSA is where the military gained the most intel ground. Ever wonder why the NSA director is always mil-intel brass, Adm. Mike Rogers (2nd commander of USCYBERCOM) , Gen. Paul Nakasone (commander of USCYBERCOM), etc. The NSA was military created in part to be more powerful than the CIA. That's why Snowden (CIA operative) was covertly installed by the CIA into the NSA as a contractor. His mission was to embarrass the NSA publicly and politically. The NSA is primarily SINGINT and the CIA's strength is in HUMINT. In today's digital world the NSA is far more powerful in intel gathering.
Space Force was actually started in 1982 as the Air Force Space Command. Trump simply separated it from the AF and made it independent creating the 6th branch of the military. Sort of like how the USAF came out of the USAAF (US Army Air Force) in 1947.
Q was created before JFK assassin by JFK (?)
Possibly created under Eisenhower administration in direct response to Nazi takeover that was fully underway with 1947 creation of CIA and Patriot purge. Election of 1960 appeared to be controlled by Patriots on both sides.
First evidence of “ghosts in the machine” I have found is what appears to be a tribunal and execution of Secretary of State (and known foreign agent) John Dulles (no-name style) on May 24, 1958 after forced resignation April 15, 1958. Cover story was “colon cancer”.
Holy shit. I'm new here but I had no fucking clue this is how deep the rabbit hole gets.
1913 is a good marker. Lots of nefarious stuff done to setup FedRes, IRS (12-23-1913) and WW1 (1914). Woodrow Wilson was foreign agent, one might argue the FIRST version of Barack Obama.
War of 1812 is another good marker. British attacked US after First Central Bank 20 year charter expired (1791-1811). British Crown bought American debt from French after 1783, installed/bought foreign agents, forced creation of Bank #2 (1816-1836), compromised a Secretary of State John Quincy Adams (1816), rigged an election and bought a Presidency 1824 (also JQA) to block Andrew Jackson.
There was likely Patriot and military pushback continuously since 1824 publication of Military Laws of the United States, done prior to March 4, 1825 JQA inauguration for a reason.