Hunter Biden’s Business Associates Hang Joe and Hunter Out to Dry! Biden Corruption is Real! (VIDEO)
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Biden family business associates testified before Congress today, and they did not hold back. It’s all part of the Biden Impeachment proceedings. The witnesses provided direct evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement in the influence-peddling scheme. From text messages to conference calls, Joe Biden used his position of power to line his pockets.
The Biden associates laid out dates, times, and personal meetings that they insist prove Joe Biden is “The Big Guy.”
From the big guy to the Chairman. Quite the accomplishment for ol traitor Joe.
Watch more people break ranks with Biden now.
The weak link in this is that probably ALL of the Federal elected officials do this, but not as blatantly as Biden and family. In consideration of that, there would never be enough votes to impeach, but at least the dirty laundry will be out.
Thats why all this against Trump will backfire on them. They're going to push it to a point that "files are unsealed" trying to bring HIM down but that will just lead to all of them finally being revealed for who and what they are.
Let's hope so!
I still think Obama may be the Big Guy and Joe is a deflection. It doesn’t make sense that Joe gets 10% and he is the brand that is being sold. But Obama being the mob boss that put Joe in the White House gets 10% tribute? Now that makes total sense.
This has been going on before Obummer showed up. Appears obummer is his handler now but Obummer gets his orders also.