Watch The Water, other “events” coming, Black Swan, more Biden fails incoming? X22Report will tell you.
Future Proves Past Incoming
Dave at X22 has a great pod-cast about the possible events coming. And interesting that China and/or Iran will attack the US water infrastructure. WatchThe Water Perhaps Anons? Listing in to see what else you find in this episode of X22.
I agree, but his episodes could be 20 mins long rather than the hour or so.
Ha true!
Hmmmm.... Maybe it's a matter of finding other sources and We are the Newsers that NOW suit your individual development, interests and needs.
Starting out in 2018, I've been through lots of different patriot Newsers, and for the most part, simply moved on to others when I felt like I needed to grow or develop my focus.
Dave was a long standing source for me during 2018-2019, but by 2020 I was only listening a few times a week.
But I've been through a lot, and moved on not because they were flawed, but because I absorbed the particular thinking and focus and brought that to a level of maturity, and then I needed to find something else to keep growing.
Solari Report > Praying Medic > Black Conservative Patriot > Edge of Wonder > X22 > Praying Medic > Bards of War > Bannons Warroom > Defected > etc.
None of these really alone, and often overlapping, but at some point I felt with most of these, that it was time to move on. I've been with Defected and Devolution Power Hour now for 1 year plus, longer than I've had a focus with any other single source of Awakening thought and news, etc, Badlands. Why? Because my need to get "the news" is fully satiated in many ways, and its far more about how I process the information now than anything else. And those guys are the bomb.
But who knows? I would recommend ALL and ANY of the above podcasters and newsers to people, but DEPENDING on their particular focus and level of interaction with the information war.
If you stopped listening to Dave, I'd suggest that you find new sources better suited to you rather than thinking that Dave needs to change his style.
Not a criticism, just a suggestion.