posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +61 / -0

If we were to ask the very reasonable question of,

“What is the differerence between a safe vaccine, and an un-safe vaccine?”

We would get some bullshit answer about how all vaccines are safe, because they would never produce or administer un-safe vaccine…

But if we start to drill down, and ask more pointed questions, we will continue to get more bullshit answers.

For example, we might ask, “for a brand new vaccine, that is being studied, how exactly would you determine if that vaccine is safe or un-safe?”

And they would say, “well we do lots of studies and blah blah blah…”

And then we ask, “ok, but when you are doing a study, wheres the actual threshold between safe and unsafe?… like, if the vaccine ‘only’ kills 5 people, is it still safe?”

And what we would discover is that there is no actual threshold between safe and unsafe,

And that no matter what their data actually shows, their study conclusion is ALWAYS that the vaccine is safe”

Their idea of “safe” is very binary, meaning its EITHER safe, or un-safe, with no grey area in between.

And of course, they always decide the vaccine is safe, regardless of what the data actually shows.

This is why the pro-vaccine people continue to insist the COVID vaccines are “safe”, even though the safety signals are clear to anyone else that the vaccine is NOT safe.

Furthermore, they always try to factor into their reasoning what would happen if you DIDN’T take the vaccine, as we have all seen, for example they might say,

“Well, yes this COVID vaccine is causing more cases of myocarditis than every vaccine in the history of the world combined, BUT… getting a COVID infection would be even more likely to cause myocarditis!

So when they do these bullshit studies, they always find that the vaccine is safe,

AND as an extra bonus, they also find that the vaccine magically prevents not only the infection, but also prevents any alleged vaccine injuries!


Vaccines PREVENT Autism

Vaccines PREVENT myocarditis.

These pro-vaccine people are so completely full of shit, you literally can’t believe a single word they say.

I sincerely believe these people are EVIL. Its no longer reasonable to give them the benefit of the doubt and just assume they are grossly incompetent. They know what they are doing, and they simply do not care. The only thing that matters to them is that you comply with their vaccine mandates and/or recommendations, no matter what.
