Oooh -- downvoted for pointing out that the Nazis weren't the shining Good Guys that some want them to have been, just because they opposed Rothschild central banking and had a few other good ideas.
Hitler was a war-mongering tyrant and Goebbels, Himmler, and most of the the other Nazi big-wigs were every bit as evil as the worst of our own Bad Guys and Bad Guys everywhere, for that matter. Mean-spirited, self-righteous, mass-murdering psychopaths.
My father fought in WWII against the Germans and I grew up around lots of other people who had first-hand knowledge of what things were like in Nazi Germany and in the nations the Nazis occupied, including Jewish and other families who lost many of their own in the camps. Regardless of ANYTHING positive about the Nazi state and those who ran it, the overall tone and actions of the Nazi regime was one of oppression, murderous response to dissent, and a growing industry of rounding up anyone "different" or who voiced a longing for freedom, stealing everything they owned, corralling them in ghettos or packing them into cattle cars and hauling off to slave labor and extermination camps.
Sounds nice, doesn't it? And yes, America is becoming more like that every day.
The long-standing propaganda campaign to white-wash and rehabilitate the Nazis is as wrong and dishonest as the campaign to paint them as some one-off nightmare never seen before or since in history.
Mass murder and other horrifying tyranny by government is COMMON. Read the well-researched Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 by the late R. J. Rummel -- here's his website, showing the Nazis as THIRD among the DEKA-MEGAMURDERERS, behind the Soviets and the Communist Chinese.
I love it. The Schwabstica! LOL
Disrespectful to Hitler and the German national socialists. They were fighting globalism. They lost. The winners wrote your history books.
Yeah, well, they were doing a little bit more than THAT.
Oooh -- downvoted for pointing out that the Nazis weren't the shining Good Guys that some want them to have been, just because they opposed Rothschild central banking and had a few other good ideas.
Hitler was a war-mongering tyrant and Goebbels, Himmler, and most of the the other Nazi big-wigs were every bit as evil as the worst of our own Bad Guys and Bad Guys everywhere, for that matter. Mean-spirited, self-righteous, mass-murdering psychopaths.
My father fought in WWII against the Germans and I grew up around lots of other people who had first-hand knowledge of what things were like in Nazi Germany and in the nations the Nazis occupied, including Jewish and other families who lost many of their own in the camps. Regardless of ANYTHING positive about the Nazi state and those who ran it, the overall tone and actions of the Nazi regime was one of oppression, murderous response to dissent, and a growing industry of rounding up anyone "different" or who voiced a longing for freedom, stealing everything they owned, corralling them in ghettos or packing them into cattle cars and hauling off to slave labor and extermination camps.
Sounds nice, doesn't it? And yes, America is becoming more like that every day.
The long-standing propaganda campaign to white-wash and rehabilitate the Nazis is as wrong and dishonest as the campaign to paint them as some one-off nightmare never seen before or since in history.
Mass murder and other horrifying tyranny by government is COMMON. Read the well-researched Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 by the late R. J. Rummel -- here's his website, showing the Nazis as THIRD among the DEKA-MEGAMURDERERS, behind the Soviets and the Communist Chinese.