Some people are still waiting to be told “the truth” from some untrustworthy “authority”. I go ahead and fill in the puzzle and then hazard a guess with probability what it is showing me. Then update as new puzzle pieces are discovered, reducing uncertainty. This is how ones solves a problem with incomplete information availability.
I mean really all you have to do is wait until each and every one of the corrupt, evil, losers die of natural causes of some sort and then claim they finally had their tribunal and were put down. ‘The real truth’ can never publicly be revealed.
Everything unclassified is circumstantial. There are likely classified documents that we might see soon along with the rest of the JFK files. I give this above hypothesis 80% probability of being accurate. 20% probability that Johnson’s CIA buddies took him out, but also indicators that his buddy Allen Dulles got tribunal’ed on 29JAN1969, so it looks like good guys “taking care of biz” to me.
If I had documentary evidence I would likely either be a target for assassination or for security clearance violation, so no. We have only puzzle pieces of dates, events, social circle mapping, and known events with Johnson involvement that were clearly treasonous. Puzzle looks like ‘Johnson got military trial and then sentenced to death, then executed via classified PEAD order or classified EO’.
Do you have any evidence whatsoever that this Tribunal and Execution of LBJ happened ?
LOL! It’s like the secret things going on now that aren’t allowed to be revealed with proof.
Some people are still waiting to be told “the truth” from some untrustworthy “authority”. I go ahead and fill in the puzzle and then hazard a guess with probability what it is showing me. Then update as new puzzle pieces are discovered, reducing uncertainty. This is how ones solves a problem with incomplete information availability.
I mean really all you have to do is wait until each and every one of the corrupt, evil, losers die of natural causes of some sort and then claim they finally had their tribunal and were put down. ‘The real truth’ can never publicly be revealed.
I call it “highly coincidental public death (HCPD)”. Maybe Big Pharma can find a “cure”? /s
Everything unclassified is circumstantial. There are likely classified documents that we might see soon along with the rest of the JFK files. I give this above hypothesis 80% probability of being accurate. 20% probability that Johnson’s CIA buddies took him out, but also indicators that his buddy Allen Dulles got tribunal’ed on 29JAN1969, so it looks like good guys “taking care of biz” to me.
If I had documentary evidence I would likely either be a target for assassination or for security clearance violation, so no. We have only puzzle pieces of dates, events, social circle mapping, and known events with Johnson involvement that were clearly treasonous. Puzzle looks like ‘Johnson got military trial and then sentenced to death, then executed via classified PEAD order or classified EO’.