WOW spit my coffee out when I read your comment, good on you, welcome to 1984 going forward to Armageddon during which appearance of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the seven seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments.
it's worse than that, because even if told exactly what was happening a significant amount of that majority actually agrees with the actions being taken by the enemy. We call those people Democrats.
What's really annoying and disturbing is that these same "sheeple" always identify with the "Resistance "in movies, books, video games ect.
Given the opportunity to join a real "Resistance Movement", they won't because the Authorities, the actual enemy, haven't informed them there is actually an ongoing conflict!
And at the same time worshipped books like 1984, without. realising its about them.
That’s mind boggling....baffling even...
WOW spit my coffee out when I read your comment, good on you, welcome to 1984 going forward to Armageddon during which appearance of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the seven seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments.
it's worse than that, because even if told exactly what was happening a significant amount of that majority actually agrees with the actions being taken by the enemy. We call those people Democrats.
Maybe we need to redefine enemy.
What's really annoying and disturbing is that these same "sheeple" always identify with the "Resistance "in movies, books, video games ect.
Given the opportunity to join a real "Resistance Movement", they won't because the Authorities, the actual enemy, haven't informed them there is actually an ongoing conflict!
Sounds like
Don’t forget that would gladly escort you to a ditch and put a bullet to your head and then go to drinks with their friends and think nothing of it!
That's a really good one.