I will try and keep this complicated theory simple as there is a long story here. For more detail on why I am putting this together (See: https://x.com/edwinbarnesc/status/1758692402016199106?s=20)
Edwin Barnes previously outlined how Trump was secretly working with companies tied to BBBY and could be part of the MOASS.
I am building on this with his particularly interesting moves with DWAC & TMTG.
TMTG up until about 5 weeks ago was going to list on the Nasdaq as TMTG - But all of a sudden they decided to change their ticker to DJT.
For those who didnt know, DJT was previously the ticker for Donald Trumps Hotel & Casino that went bankrupt. To understand this fully you should watch this youtube video about fail to deliver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0WXg5T3cBE
Failure to deliver is how market makers and corrupt wallstreet go after a company by creating synthetic shares, which they dont own. They flood the market with fake shares and when the company finally goes bankrupt they never have to reconcile the fake shares and get to keep all the profits they made by selling what they didnt own. You as a purchaser of those fake shares lose everything but the operators keep the money and up until DJT lists they have gotten away with it. The ticker DJT was one they probably never expected to come back alive.
So what happens when that ticker becomes active again? Yep, those brokers who participated in the generation of the fake shares are back on the hook as they never reconciled and covered their failure to deliver of the shares. The ledger is back and shows them owing on an asset that they havent delivered.
This may well be the start of the MOASS and may show all of these clowns on wallstreet who have participated in the flooding of fake synthetic shares that they are doomed in the long run. If tickers such as BBBY do the same BOOM they are so beyond blown up.
You shouldn't believe everything you read on superstonk. It's stll the best source for current info, but is likely compromised by hedgie shills like all the other gme subs before it.
I never got any BBBY, but Ryan Cohen was highly involved with BBBY for some reason.
Also the term is not FUDD. Its FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt). And talking about different tickers doesnt fall under the category of FUD.
He may have been present, but that doesn't mean fuck all.
How are you people so blind?
Did bedbath and beyond NOT FUCKING GO BANKRUPT and all your shares in it become worthless!?!?!?
AMC crashed, it has no profitability, and owner bought a fuckin physical gold mine, which they have zero clue about.
They are called joke meme stocks for a reason.
There is only ONE actual company that is ever worth a damn (GME) which has no debt, a BILLION dollars cash sitting in their bank account, and are green.
Simple as that.
GME is the best play yes.
AMC is a distraction, not FUD. You keep using the term FUD incorrectly. Also Im pretty sure you are mixing up DD and FUD which is why you kept saying FUDD... which I find hilarious because of the fact that you are a know it all.
Ryan Cohen's involvement meant something. Could've been a way to test the cellarboxing waters. Who knows (definitely not you Mr parrots Superstonk narrative but doesnt know what FUD means).
But you're right about GME being the correct play. But here is the main reason for that. And also explains why is taking so long.
FUDD is a gun term, autocorrect turns FUD to FUDD, but both are pretty much the same thing.
fair enough