I know many Seniors who voted whichever way seemed to be in their self-interest. That's why the Democrats ALWAYS accuse the Conservatives (Note I didn't say Republicans) of wanting to cut Social Security.
My mother's last husband once told me that he should not have a vote because of self interest once he started collecting. He was a Democrat...
I'm collecting SS, but wouldn't vote for a stinking Democrat if they were going to double my SS.
I don't know what welfare or social security is costing the nation yearly, but I'd be willing to bet it isn't as much as they are laundering as foreign aid, and they have been raiding the social security funds for years now to launder back into their pockets. It is way past time to confiscate those dollars, and put them back into the SS fund. Stop the politicians from ever raiding the fund again, and stop taxing the people on money they already paid taxes on, that you took from them.
The corrupt government has been running a scam on the American people for many decades now.
Since 1913 or before.