If my dog doesn't tear them to sheds first! Only a meth addled fool would dare break into my house, but if he or she did, it would be a one way ticket.
Hell, they don't even have to break into my house. If they try any shenanigans with my vehicles, they're getting the fur missile and the business end of a rifle.
I live in Texas. If anyone starts trouble on MY property, they had better be ready for response. There isn't going to be any excuses.
If my dog doesn't tear them to sheds first! Only a meth addled fool would dare break into my house, but if he or she did, it would be a one way ticket.
Hell, they don't even have to break into my house. If they try any shenanigans with my vehicles, they're getting the fur missile and the business end of a rifle.
God bless Texas!
Intruder? What Intruder? I didn't see any intruder.
Gun shots? What Gun Shots? I didn't hear any gun shots.
Go away now. Get off my property. Do you think you better take me seriously now?