Exhibit 101: for why women should not be priests, deacons, bishops etc.
Exhibit 102: If God created human beings into races (which itself is not scientifically proved) he created the white race as well. How can an entire race God created and everyone in it, be disparaged?
Exhibit 103: These days, it is mostly the pretenders who wear the Roman collar, in order to appropriate its authority for their own inadequacies and nutty opinions.
Exhibit 104: define white / the white race please, scientifically so that each human being can be placed in one of the precise races, so that he can be dealt with penalties assigned by race.
Whomever God chooses for leadership, He chooses. I would not push one way or the other on that, I would just pray His will be done.
Plain logic is the opposite of what college-indoctrinated people believe, so I'd love to see the circuits fry if you ask a liberal 'Christian' your question.
These days and always, pretenders have pried themselves into positions of responsibility of all churches, businesses... We probably could have lynched them before with the approval of most clear - thinking people.
People spouting crap should be forced to decolonize and stop culturally appropriating what isn't theirs. British hardest hit... Make them give up tea, coffee, chocolate, mayonnaise (which is a Spanish invention, btw), any spices and herbs and fruits from other places, etc. No man should accept a job doing anything manly around them, no repairs, deliveries, construction, yard work, nothing.
Exhibit 101: for why women should not be priests, deacons, bishops etc.
Exhibit 102: If God created human beings into races (which itself is not scientifically proved) he created the white race as well. How can an entire race God created and everyone in it, be disparaged?
Exhibit 103: These days, it is mostly the pretenders who wear the Roman collar, in order to appropriate its authority for their own inadequacies and nutty opinions.
Exhibit 104: define white / the white race please, scientifically so that each human being can be placed in one of the precise races, so that he can be dealt with penalties assigned by race.
SHEESH ridiculous on its face!
The C of E these days is full of feeble minded twerps, it wasn't always like this.
Whomever God chooses for leadership, He chooses. I would not push one way or the other on that, I would just pray His will be done.
Plain logic is the opposite of what college-indoctrinated people believe, so I'd love to see the circuits fry if you ask a liberal 'Christian' your question.
These days and always, pretenders have pried themselves into positions of responsibility of all churches, businesses... We probably could have lynched them before with the approval of most clear - thinking people.
People spouting crap should be forced to decolonize and stop culturally appropriating what isn't theirs. British hardest hit... Make them give up tea, coffee, chocolate, mayonnaise (which is a Spanish invention, btw), any spices and herbs and fruits from other places, etc. No man should accept a job doing anything manly around them, no repairs, deliveries, construction, yard work, nothing.