The courts let low income people with no jobs off lightly because they know if they set the fine too high, they'll never get paid. However, when a middle class or upper middle class citizen commits that same crime, the fine would be considerably higher. Go sit in a courtroom and listen to the amounts. There's a reason the judge asks what they do for employment and where they live.
Then, that wouldn't be justice.
If you and i break the same law; and because you earn more than I do, despite doing the same thing - you get a higher fine than I do; that isn't justice. Your punishment is greater than mine.
Justice is supposed to be blind. The scales of Justice are supposed to balanced.
You get no argument from me. I totally agree. They squeeze us for whatever they think they can get away with and they've gotten away with it for too long. It's high time we take back our country from these illegitimate politicians.
The courts let low income people with no jobs off lightly because they know if they set the fine too high, they'll never get paid. However, when a middle class or upper middle class citizen commits that same crime, the fine would be considerably higher. Go sit in a courtroom and listen to the amounts. There's a reason the judge asks what they do for employment and where they live.
Then, that wouldn't be justice. If you and i break the same law; and because you earn more than I do, despite doing the same thing - you get a higher fine than I do; that isn't justice. Your punishment is greater than mine.
Justice is supposed to be blind. The scales of Justice are supposed to balanced.
You get no argument from me. I totally agree. They squeeze us for whatever they think they can get away with and they've gotten away with it for too long. It's high time we take back our country from these illegitimate politicians.