I find it hilarious that this community does not want to talk favorably of RFK. Sure, he's a classic libtard when it comes to abortion and alphabet rights and transhumanism. But here's the thing. Your average citizen doesn't really care either way on the vast majority of political topics. They care about safety, prosperity, and their family. They'll vote for whoever promises to do the best job at maintaining that. That's why Trump keeps winning winning winning!
RFK is an extremely moderate Democrat compared to the party line. They dumped him on the side of the road without any recourse for a primary, because they knew he'd seriously hurt Biden's chances. A fractured incumbent party is no good.
Except, they hurt themselves more. RFK is now free to make his own Independent agenda, free to make his own campaign by his own rules. Free to speak! And now that he chose a running mate, his voice is going to be ever louder.
It's pretty simple. RFK is working with the white hats, just like Trump is, in order to prevent Joe Biden from winning. He's not campaigning against Trump, he's campaigning against Biden. Do you see Trump bashing RFK much? Do you see RFK bashing Trump much?
Two sides of the same patriot coin. One patriot will gather the conservative patriots together, while the other patriot will take the liberal patriots away from the Marxists. Together, this will be an enormous tidal wave of red. RFK is already polling over 10% in many states. What if next month it's 20%? 30%? Biden is toast if the polls are even half right. Not a single Republican is voting for RFK or Biden. But there are a lot of disaffected Democrats and Independents who dislike Trump who will vote for RFK.
This conveniently ties the Kennedys back into the Great Awakening. Just as they were the catalyst for change and prosperity back in the 60s, 70s, etc (moon landing and trying to stop the Vietnam War), so will they be a catalyst here to boost Trump's electoral vote. If Biden loses even 5% of voters to RFK, that puts states like Minnesota, Colorado, Maine, and Virginia in jeopardy. If its 10%, Joe can say goodbye to New Jersey, Delaware, and Oregon. And Trump will take all by plurality. Even if Trump gets 40% of the vote, he's still getting those electoral votes. They won't be void just because he's under 50%. How many states in 2016 and 2020 were won by the candidate who got 48% or 49%?
And, if RFK's running mate turns out to be popular and get-out-the-vote (which some have suggested), no state would be safe for the Democrats. I can honestly see a few Northeast states (maybe Rhode Island or New Hampshire) going for RFK in the end.
The Democrat party is not a bunch of rioting far-left hooligans. That's the minority. The majority of voters of every party are run-of-the-mill people that just want safety and security. Who do you think they'll vote for, if not Trump? They don't want 4 more years of Biden's bumbling, stumbling, and mumbling. They want a strong president. RFK is a strong leader. He's certainly not going to beat Trump, but he will beat the Democrats at their own game of division.
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