Not To Be Outdone By Trump, Biden Releases Own Version Of The Quran
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Not to be outdone by Trump releasing the "God Bless The USA" Bible, President Biden announced today the production of his very own "Allahu Joe Biden" edition of the Quran.
i checked it out. not tacky at all. totally buying one.
especially since the text is KJV. will probably drag some people away from bad translation.
know whats tacky? being a hater
Being a 'hater'? What are you 15? Buy your Lee Greewood Bible, tf do I care. The whole thing is tacky IMO, but that should have no bearing on you.
what is tacky about it if it isn't signed? just your tacky attitude?
What does it matter? Do your thing!
Edit: Oh but also: 2 Corinthians 2:17