My take on the Precipice is that we will reach it when the horror of child abuse and harvesting is shoved in the world's face. That's when the Cabal will attempt to pull the plug. That's when X and Space Force will really come into play. All else going on is peripheral to that fact. Cont.
It would be great to know why there is this depopulation agenda, why did the elites not just block the population from growing? I've never seen a good explanation of this.
I'm just thinking scripturally, but all children are a gift from God. Perhaps "there is no stopping God's will"?
I've seen snippets here & there of many ways they HAVE tried to block the population from growing. Economically, many people "decided not to have kids" (or just less of them). "You don't care about the scarce resources" if you have many kids. Being on the pill apparently makes women less fertile as well as more prone to losing children before they're born. I also caught somewhere that the thermographic paper on receipts may have also had a chemical that contributes to infertility. And don't get me started on corn syrup & soy in everything. The population and internet, along with cell phones & cameras were making it too hard to control us all. They just figured 80+ percent of us not around anymore would be easier on them. Our reply is "you first".
Think about a farm. Initially you want your cattle to thrive and grow. But there will be a point where you start culling. But you cant just cull out of the blue. You gotta have a system in place right from the beginning.