...bibblty, blabbilty, blah...BhUt ThE BaD AmEriCaN's BoMbEd tHe iNnoCeNt nAzI PrISoN gUaRd's. NoW Don'T tHiNk abOuT MuRdeReD pEopLe B4 We BlAmE Bad AmERiCa.
I must admit though, the cognitive dissonance skills, and fact dodging skills of those who have fallen prey to nazi propaganda are quite strong.
ThE BaD AmEriCaN's BoMbEd tHe iNnoCeNt nAzI PrISoN gUaRd's
That is your opinion. Not facts.
My questions are meant to make you think, not shoot off a cult knee-jerk response like you have done now. Because knee-jerks always inhibit thinking. That is why it is called: cult brainwashing.
Besides: the fact alone you use the phrase: NAZI shows how deeply influenced you are by Jewish Propaganda, as it is their TERM.
Waking up to the fact that history is a little bit different than you were taught, is pack and parcel of what we all are going through.
However, if you want to defend the first and second directive of the holocaust religion i.e.: the name holocaust applies and two: thou shalt believe the 6 million figure which we have been peddling since the founding of the Zionist movement ( see newspaper articles) then you better arm yourself with facts.
Again, take each question, and consider them carefully in light of facts. Start thinking for yourself.
Oh my, that gave me an irl kek 😆!
I must admit though, the cognitive dissonance skills, and fact dodging skills of those who have fallen prey to nazi propaganda are quite strong.
the operative clause is right here:
That is your opinion. Not facts.
My questions are meant to make you think, not shoot off a cult knee-jerk response like you have done now. Because knee-jerks always inhibit thinking. That is why it is called: cult brainwashing.
Besides: the fact alone you use the phrase: NAZI shows how deeply influenced you are by Jewish Propaganda, as it is their TERM.
Waking up to the fact that history is a little bit different than you were taught, is pack and parcel of what we all are going through.
However, if you want to defend the first and second directive of the holocaust religion i.e.: the name holocaust applies and two: thou shalt believe the 6 million figure which we have been peddling since the founding of the Zionist movement ( see newspaper articles) then you better arm yourself with facts.
Again, take each question, and consider them carefully in light of facts. Start thinking for yourself.
Calm down chaim. All lies will be exposed.