Rob Reiner Begs Taylor Swift to Endorse Biden: ‘I’d Give Anything’ Los Angeles, CA - January 15: Rob Reiner and Sally Struthers at the 75th Primetime Emmy AwRobert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images DAVID NG28 Mar 2024844 1:53 Is Taylor Swift the last hope for Biden’s flailing presidency? Rob Reiner seems to think so.
Rob Reiner is begging Taylor Swift to publicly endorse President Joe Biden’s reelection bid, saying he’d “give anything” for the pop star to make an announcement.
Swift has remained conspicuously silent on the 2024 presidential election, after endorsing Biden four years ago. The singer must weigh the damage such an endorsement would do to her personal brand at a time when 81-year-old Biden is facing record-low popularity, especially among young Democrats, millions of whom have soured on his presidency.
“I’d give anything for her to endorse Joe Biden,” a desperate Reiner wrote. “She would virtually single handedly save American Democracy.”
I’m in the midst of shooting a sequel to This is Spinal Tap. As much as I’d like Taylor Swift to do a cameo in the film, I’d give anything for her to endorse Joe Biden. She would virtually single handedly save American Democracy.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) March 28, 2024
Rob Reiner is one of Biden’s most loyal Hollywood supporters, having donated substantial sums to his political career over the years and organized several ritzy showbiz fundraisers.
Reiner has also propagated the Biden team’s campaign strategy of equating Biden with democracy, thereby casting any challenger as a threat to democracy.
But the semantic trick doesn’t appear to be working on the American people.
Biden’s popularity is in the toilet, with his approval falling to 38 percent last month, close to his all-time low, a Gallup poll showed.
A recent Quinnipiac poll showed that a whopping 67 percent of voters believe Biden is too old to serve a second term. Even a poll by the New York Times has come down hard on Biden, with 73 percent of registered voters believing he is too old to be an effective president.
TBH I still don't think it will be Biden. They are gonna phone in Big Mike or even something outta left field like Dwayne the Rock Johnson at the last minute.
I mean, provided they actually plan on having an election, they aren't strategically stupid enough to rely on Biden. They have a wild card in hand, mark my words.
Maybe Newscum ;-)