How is that unsury. Isn't unsury when you loan with interest. Why is renting a place bad. Also how does this tie to your view of squatting..please expand..sorry for confusion it's early here
So if I take out a loan for my small business. And that business sells something of value. Each time they sell that your eyes they are sinning. Do I understand correctly your view
No. I don't think so. Bc ur business is a distinctly different person. A soulless person.
You. It's about you. You don't loan w interest and you do not take a loan w interest.
What your company decides to do is different.
But residential real estate isn't a market like the soda market either. You can't compare the two markets bc they shouldn't b treated the same. These are homes. This is where children live. We want to make the best homes possible and that might mean a well regulated residential real estate market. W loans given by the government interest free.
So as long as you invest in a property under a business name, in your logic, its all perfectly okay. Funnily, thats what most people do when they buy properties. Not that it makes any difference for real people, but it might in your logic.
How is that unsury. Isn't unsury when you loan with interest. Why is renting a place bad. Also how does this tie to your view of squatting..please expand..sorry for confusion it's early here
So if I take out a loan for my small business. And that business sells something of value. Each time they sell that your eyes they are sinning. Do I understand correctly your view
No. I don't think so. Bc ur business is a distinctly different person. A soulless person.
You. It's about you. You don't loan w interest and you do not take a loan w interest.
What your company decides to do is different.
But residential real estate isn't a market like the soda market either. You can't compare the two markets bc they shouldn't b treated the same. These are homes. This is where children live. We want to make the best homes possible and that might mean a well regulated residential real estate market. W loans given by the government interest free.
So as long as you invest in a property under a business name, in your logic, its all perfectly okay. Funnily, thats what most people do when they buy properties. Not that it makes any difference for real people, but it might in your logic.
Ah ok I understand your view on that now. So how does this tie to squatters