Donald Trump’s not even close to what Jesus Christ has done for us. I feel like the only reason somebody wrote this article, is to piss off Christians even more. So tired of everybody worshiping Trump like an idol.
Donald Trump has not been crucified and even if he had he would not have been able to rise from his grave. Jesus Christ is the living Son of God. Trump is the first to admit that he is not a saviour.
Trump is NOT in anyway analogous to Jesus Christ. That is insulting to Jesus Christ! Typical crap from some atheist at the Washington Times - disinformation!
Trump and the Trump team need to start denouncing and separating themselves from these blasphemies. This adds more proof to the large movement of former Q/Trump supporters, who now believe Q/Trump/White Hats are part of the Hegelian dialectic which will transition us from Dark to False Light, AKA the anti-christ/NWO or satan's little season. Yea it is a movie, a political masonic theater from all sides.
And just like Pilate, those in power today know full well what happens to [them] personally who defy [their] masters. Had Pilate chosen to just dismiss Jesus, the Emperor himself would've had to remove Pilate from power. And in Rome back then, much like with today's Western political [el'ite] control centers, that meant Pilate most likely would've been executed for failing to "maintain the peace" (control) in that region. And I believe "people" like Engoron, James, and all the rest have no choice BUT to try to end POTUS45. It's not just about power and control. It's about survival.
Just a side note, why is every one if those pics on the Internet of Trump holding that Bible photoshopped?
I remember watching him hold that Bible live. It had the cross upside down on it, in the he original video. Look where his thumb is for the proof. Why are all media outlets posting the photoshopped image? It's always been a head scratcher for me.
Btw I see this whole narrative of him being compared to Christ all over the place and frankly it makes me sick. How anyone can even consider going there is unbelievable.
🤮 Donald Trump’s not even close to what Jesus Christ has done for us. I feel like the only reason somebody wrote this article, is to piss off Christians even more. So tired of everybody worshiping Trump like an idol.
Donald Trump has not been crucified and even if he had he would not have been able to rise from his grave. Jesus Christ is the living Son of God. Trump is the first to admit that he is not a saviour.
Trump is NOT in anyway analogous to Jesus Christ. That is insulting to Jesus Christ! Typical crap from some atheist at the Washington Times - disinformation!
Trump and the Trump team need to start denouncing and separating themselves from these blasphemies. This adds more proof to the large movement of former Q/Trump supporters, who now believe Q/Trump/White Hats are part of the Hegelian dialectic which will transition us from Dark to False Light, AKA the anti-christ/NWO or satan's little season. Yea it is a movie, a political masonic theater from all sides.
And just like Pilate, those in power today know full well what happens to [them] personally who defy [their] masters. Had Pilate chosen to just dismiss Jesus, the Emperor himself would've had to remove Pilate from power. And in Rome back then, much like with today's Western political [el'ite] control centers, that meant Pilate most likely would've been executed for failing to "maintain the peace" (control) in that region. And I believe "people" like Engoron, James, and all the rest have no choice BUT to try to end POTUS45. It's not just about power and control. It's about survival.
Just a side note, why is every one if those pics on the Internet of Trump holding that Bible photoshopped? I remember watching him hold that Bible live. It had the cross upside down on it, in the he original video. Look where his thumb is for the proof. Why are all media outlets posting the photoshopped image? It's always been a head scratcher for me.
Btw I see this whole narrative of him being compared to Christ all over the place and frankly it makes me sick. How anyone can even consider going there is unbelievable.