IRL people really mad about having their farms overtaken by military installations, in Southern Lebanon (Invasion. On 6 June 1982, Israeli forces under direction of Defense Minister Ariel Sharon launched a three-pronged invasion of southern Lebanon in "Operation Peace for Galilee".)
oh, and Syria (Israel captures and occupies the Golan Heights from Syria 1967, but also the West Bank incl. East Jerusalem, from Jordan, and the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt).
So, Hezbollah is ONE of the groups defending their homelands. But, by all means blame IRaN. And people defending their farms and ancestral homes, are always terrorists, we are familiar with that narrative. So they have had a little knowledge passed on to them about How to Fight. That makes them IraNiaN-bACKed. Note that Israelis do not say Russian-backed even though Russians had a few things to say in Syria, recently (kaboom).
IRL people really mad about having their farms overtaken by military installations, in Southern Lebanon (Invasion. On 6 June 1982, Israeli forces under direction of Defense Minister Ariel Sharon launched a three-pronged invasion of southern Lebanon in "Operation Peace for Galilee".)
oh, and Syria (Israel captures and occupies the Golan Heights from Syria 1967, but also the West Bank incl. East Jerusalem, from Jordan, and the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt).
So, Hezbollah is ONE of the groups defending their homelands. But, by all means blame IRaN. And people defending their farms and ancestral homes, are always terrorists, we are familiar with that narrative. So they have had a little knowledge passed on to them about How to Fight. That makes them IraNiaN-bACKed. Note that Israelis do not say Russian-backed even though Russians had a few things to say in Syria, recently (kaboom).