Certainly. Our nature doesn't change, but our appearance does. We become "like" God.
Maybe water would be a good analogy. Water can be as stone (ice), or as air (steam), but it is not ultimately these things in its nature. It is distinct while still sharing in the characteristics of those things.
I think misunderstanding this distinction is where the people saying we truly are, or become, God go wrong. The Bible tells us we "partake in the divine nature", not that we become or possess the divine nature inherently.
Evil cannot prevail no matter what we do.
This almost sounds like some "we are God" stuff where "God" only works if enough people do something.
this is one of the common verses between Matthew and Luke, which is AKA as The Q-Source/The Sayings Gospel of Jesus.
Luke 6:40 KJV
The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.
think that means we are not God, but we can be 'like' him since we're in his image.
Certainly. Our nature doesn't change, but our appearance does. We become "like" God.
Maybe water would be a good analogy. Water can be as stone (ice), or as air (steam), but it is not ultimately these things in its nature. It is distinct while still sharing in the characteristics of those things.
I think misunderstanding this distinction is where the people saying we truly are, or become, God go wrong. The Bible tells us we "partake in the divine nature", not that we become or possess the divine nature inherently.