"What are the chances of this? The two biggest red pills in the last month or so: Diddy and Nickelodeon have merged together into one.
It almost all feels scripted. WTF?
The actor was asked to perform in a skin-tight suit as "Young Fetus" the rapper.
Young Fetus.. this is just strange on an episode already filled with really weird innuendo, especially knowing we know now about Diddy and his blackmail operation.
Remember: This is the same Nickelodeon set that had a myriad of pedophiles now proven to be working on the midst of all these children."
https://pepelivesmatter.substack.com/p/diddys-horrifying-appearance-on-nickelodeon X (https://x.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1775549837838102761?s=20)
A year or so ago I happened to stumble across an old acquaintance on social media. This is someone I had casually known (we both raced motorcycles in the same series) but didn’t know all that well, and hadn’t seen/talked in around 15 years.
Anyway, we started chatting a bit after bumping into each other online, just small talk, and I asked “are you still a cameraman in Hollywood?” He replied “no, I’m in construction now. They money isn’t as good, but at least there’s no pedophilia.” He just mentioned it as if it was common knowledge. 🤯 And this is someone who had no clue about my political beliefs, or awakened-ness.