Reporting child abuse is now racist: Mass General said babies born with positive toxicology screens will no longer be reported to state welfare agencies unless there are other concerns the baby is abused or neglected, citing it disproportionately affects black people
🧠 Stupid Policy People! 🤬
A clear case of injured child. A 100% certainty of whom was responsible. These people are stupid and evil.
That baby whom is clearly injured / harmed is also black just like the mother whom delivered the harm to the baby. So reporting the crime can't be racist because you are rescuing the child from the mother whom had already clearly harmed the child.
Sounds more like the hospital administration is racist because they refuse to report black on black crime involving children. This policy will only produce the outcome of children being further injured, neglected, and dying at the hands of drug addicted and abusing parents. So the outcome is terrible for the black population and by that measure the policy is racist.