179 17 letters Ryan Cohencidence (media.greatawakening.win) SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? posted 321 days ago by Speakfree 321 days ago by Speakfree +182 / -3 60 comments download share 60 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Gamestop CEO. Part of Q plan. This is a nod to anons. He is with us in this room right now. I feel his presence.
Sure, ok.
it is how they communicate though, and think it goes way back...
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your county"
I’m not real sure as to how people think the Cohen guy has control of there being 17 numbers on his post. Just saying.
Count the letters in the statement he made.
I wonder why you are here? This thread exemplifies the purpose of the sub.