My house shook, and it seemed to last about thirty seconds, but the strangest thing was the noise. Like a gigantic, fully loaded eighteen wheeler rumbling in front of my house. It was loud.
Born, raised and still live in Los Angeles... the sound (especially indoors) is always the most horrifying aspect. As long as you are aware of your surroundings and able bodied... you can “typically” avoid bodily harm during a quake.
My house shook, and it seemed to last about thirty seconds, but the strangest thing was the noise. Like a gigantic, fully loaded eighteen wheeler rumbling in front of my house. It was loud.
Born, raised and still live in Los Angeles... the sound (especially indoors) is always the most horrifying aspect. As long as you are aware of your surroundings and able bodied... you can “typically” avoid bodily harm during a quake.
Yep. Was in Loma Prieta in 1989. It started to shake, and then it became this roar that I can still hear in my mind today.
Yeah! It was loud and weird 20 miles away.
Yeah, and it sounded like a growl. I kept picturing a dragon waking up