Direct quote from one of my Latina students: “yo we need trump back. Biden is old as f*ck.” And then she and her friends started laughing and chatting about it. The youth are getting restless.
Trump is like the respected older man that the younger people respect and look up to. Biden is like the creepy grandpa you remember sniffing you and you think you remember him touching you inappropriately, but you are pretty sure you blocked it out. Oh, and you know firsthand he poops himself from time to time.
Direct quote from one of my Latina students: “yo we need trump back. Biden is old as f*ck.” And then she and her friends started laughing and chatting about it. The youth are getting restless.
Those draft slips are getting ready to be printed up for the youngsters
Trump is like the respected older man that the younger people respect and look up to. Biden is like the creepy grandpa you remember sniffing you and you think you remember him touching you inappropriately, but you are pretty sure you blocked it out. Oh, and you know firsthand he poops himself from time to time.