What's the REAL reason they removed lead from paint? Found this video and instantly thought of you guys.
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Not really. I have read about grounding for years and just pulled the trigger a few weeks ago. This is what I bought but as usual do your own research.
since we're going full-blown woo with this post (kek) may I present a question in that vein:
if you are routing your body's grounding through your home's electrical circuit (by plugging that mat into the wall), which are linked to the smart meter or whatever other devices which can MODULATE electrical currents (think any smart devices you own?), would that not be more risky than tying a ground wire to your body and putting it out the window directly into the ground? Otherwise it seems you would only be subjecting your body to an even more direct vector of attack??
This is more or less correct. I ran a separate ground spike outside. Basically there is interference on the ground spike that is tied in with your electrical system.
I meant interference by plugging it into the wall outlet but that's also interesting. Close proximity to something or long wire?
Yea the wall outlet ground ties to the rest of your homes electrical, so there is interference on that ground line. The ideal way to run your grounding mat is to run a line to a separate grounding spike that is dedicated for your grounding mat.
As far as I am aware, electrical ground is exactly that and there is no modulation.
so there's zero interaction between the live wire and the ground possible?
Any wire can have its current modulated, i.e. an induced signal. The longer the wire, the more likely it is to be affected by modulation. And any wire running parallel to another wire that has modulated current will itself pick up a modulated current (= signal).
To sum up: keep your grounding wire as short as possible and keep it well away from other wires. Also for safety sake you should connect a resistor between you and the grounding wire; I'd suggest at least 470 kilo-ohms.
(I have a degree in electronic engineering.)
Interesting. I've been wanting to get one of these
Thanks so much fren!!