Q did say it would be biblical, and the Bible says the sun moon and stars were given to mark signs of the times. There are so many prophecies involving watching the heavens it is impossible to discount the significance of an eclipse, especially crisscrossing eclipses with "devil comets" running through them.
There is a lot of Noise in the Signal right now. For me that tells me that something is going on. Lots of signals. But also lots of noise.
You may have seen that snippet of video this weekend making it look like Pelosi was being perp walked into a squad car. Or the article saying that the French Army is going to guard Buckingham Palace tomorrow. Or the States of Emergency in Indiana and parts of Canada. Or that the National Guard is deployed in Ohio. Or the possible attempted container ship attack on Verranzano-Narrows Bridge (if that bridge gets taken out, that will be a stake in the heart for NYC).
Q did say it would be biblical, and the Bible says the sun moon and stars were given to mark signs of the times. There are so many prophecies involving watching the heavens it is impossible to discount the significance of an eclipse, especially crisscrossing eclipses with "devil comets" running through them.
We'll know tomorrow.
Yeah I'm not freaking out over it or anything but literally nothing would surprise me. Including nothing
Or before too long. Tomorrow will probably be a 10 lb nothingburger, but the near future might not be.
Agreed this seems like a potential op, as mentioned, and from either side.
There is a lot of Noise in the Signal right now. For me that tells me that something is going on. Lots of signals. But also lots of noise.
You may have seen that snippet of video this weekend making it look like Pelosi was being perp walked into a squad car. Or the article saying that the French Army is going to guard Buckingham Palace tomorrow. Or the States of Emergency in Indiana and parts of Canada. Or that the National Guard is deployed in Ohio. Or the possible attempted container ship attack on Verranzano-Narrows Bridge (if that bridge gets taken out, that will be a stake in the heart for NYC).
We're in Looney Tunes territory. Buckle Up.