Nothing you're saying seems 'strange' to me. Most of my spiritual journey has been parents never committed to a specific church. Mom hopped around different protestant ones, dad didn't believe he belonged in a church building. I agree with that part. Spirit, church, God, truth, all contained in the heart/soul, and all connected to each the other, good and detestable alike. I have always been able to see, hear, and especially feel things that people around me claim they can' many times I've been confronted with an atheist or just a really angry ex catholic wanting to claim my 'skydaddy' ain't real....and I'm always astounded. How can God not be real? Or the evil one(pick a name. Last one I heard for the devil was Old Scratch. Kind of a funny one.) ? I'd argue the spirit realm of good vs evil is more real than the hands in front of my face. It's all denial. The honest great awakening is more like this, I think. Ppl waking up to being pawns in a spirit war. Picking sides THERE. Not political garbage or drummed up gun wars. And it's about the children, but not just the children. That's narrow thinking. It's about the GOOD that remains in every soul. Even in the souls who've participated in the most detestable of wrongs. Getting back to God. Not being secured by the fallen.
Not sure. Probably more, but lately my brain is pretty scrambled. Husband has dementia. They say caring for someone like him gives you contact dementia. Who knows? I'm better when I 'feel' than when I 'think'.
Apologies for late. Working on alternative energy lately. Sorry about your husband. We've been fiddling around with natural types of remedies for various things here. There is most likely something about that in our rambles through; I'm sure there is something on the Rife machine. People don't seem interested in that; why, I don't know. But this one has straightened out several problems with me, and several with wife, and several with a close friend (that one includes a skin cancer she's been working on for years - it's now gone.
Anyway, I'll look around; there's got to be help for that somewhere. Last partner had a dementia thing going on, but that was physical, liver disease and a plethora of other problems (including Trump hate). She passed during his first year.
I was bummed I haven't seen ya in a couple days. I enjoy chatting with intelligent, insightful types as yourself. Husband's got vascular dementia as a result of 10+ strokes he suffered 2 years ago, at the time only 54 yrs old. "They" said a clot came off his heart and shot up into his brain, making fireworks way beyond what one would see on the 4th. But then his internal med doctor hinted that it had been caused by a combination of meds he had been frequenting...clonodine, lorazepam, viagra, and a couple BP meds. Wrong combos for far too long. He has his good & bad days...funny his more intelligent ones coincide with the full moon rising. Stroke and dementia are so common anymore, and some of it is so slow and silent, it makes me wonder if more of us have had strokes or TIA's and never even realized. They like to blame it on aging brain. But explain someone in their 20s. I think it's all environmental. Meds, chemicals, kid Vax, foods, on and on. We live in a Midwestern farming area. No shortage of chemicals, and some he's used himself in the past. It's unfortunate, it's permanent, it's sickening. You mentioned Rife machine? Not familiar.
Any rate, great to hear back from ya. Hope all's well in your neck of the woods.
I have read in many places that one 'remedy' that works on Alzheimer's (dementia) is coconut oil. Strange as that may seem, the anecdotes are many. One had a wife he'd had her in a home; he read of it and began bringing her the oil, putting it in everything, and in a few weeks (I recall 8) she went home.
Just a thought.
Nothing you're saying seems 'strange' to me. Most of my spiritual journey has been parents never committed to a specific church. Mom hopped around different protestant ones, dad didn't believe he belonged in a church building. I agree with that part. Spirit, church, God, truth, all contained in the heart/soul, and all connected to each the other, good and detestable alike. I have always been able to see, hear, and especially feel things that people around me claim they can' many times I've been confronted with an atheist or just a really angry ex catholic wanting to claim my 'skydaddy' ain't real....and I'm always astounded. How can God not be real? Or the evil one(pick a name. Last one I heard for the devil was Old Scratch. Kind of a funny one.) ? I'd argue the spirit realm of good vs evil is more real than the hands in front of my face. It's all denial. The honest great awakening is more like this, I think. Ppl waking up to being pawns in a spirit war. Picking sides THERE. Not political garbage or drummed up gun wars. And it's about the children, but not just the children. That's narrow thinking. It's about the GOOD that remains in every soul. Even in the souls who've participated in the most detestable of wrongs. Getting back to God. Not being secured by the fallen.
Pretty precise, and very good. What more can be said?
Not sure. Probably more, but lately my brain is pretty scrambled. Husband has dementia. They say caring for someone like him gives you contact dementia. Who knows? I'm better when I 'feel' than when I 'think'.
Apologies for late. Working on alternative energy lately. Sorry about your husband. We've been fiddling around with natural types of remedies for various things here. There is most likely something about that in our rambles through; I'm sure there is something on the Rife machine. People don't seem interested in that; why, I don't know. But this one has straightened out several problems with me, and several with wife, and several with a close friend (that one includes a skin cancer she's been working on for years - it's now gone. Anyway, I'll look around; there's got to be help for that somewhere. Last partner had a dementia thing going on, but that was physical, liver disease and a plethora of other problems (including Trump hate). She passed during his first year.
I was bummed I haven't seen ya in a couple days. I enjoy chatting with intelligent, insightful types as yourself. Husband's got vascular dementia as a result of 10+ strokes he suffered 2 years ago, at the time only 54 yrs old. "They" said a clot came off his heart and shot up into his brain, making fireworks way beyond what one would see on the 4th. But then his internal med doctor hinted that it had been caused by a combination of meds he had been frequenting...clonodine, lorazepam, viagra, and a couple BP meds. Wrong combos for far too long. He has his good & bad days...funny his more intelligent ones coincide with the full moon rising. Stroke and dementia are so common anymore, and some of it is so slow and silent, it makes me wonder if more of us have had strokes or TIA's and never even realized. They like to blame it on aging brain. But explain someone in their 20s. I think it's all environmental. Meds, chemicals, kid Vax, foods, on and on. We live in a Midwestern farming area. No shortage of chemicals, and some he's used himself in the past. It's unfortunate, it's permanent, it's sickening. You mentioned Rife machine? Not familiar.
Any rate, great to hear back from ya. Hope all's well in your neck of the woods.
I have read in many places that one 'remedy' that works on Alzheimer's (dementia) is coconut oil. Strange as that may seem, the anecdotes are many. One had a wife he'd had her in a home; he read of it and began bringing her the oil, putting it in everything, and in a few weeks (I recall 8) she went home. Just a thought.
I have tried this. I've used it for years in our cooking....don't know if there's a difference or not, but I figure it sure can't hurt