Building popular support by having debates with people who are willing to argue with us in good faith, too.
If someone is willing to hear our opinions and we are willing to hear theirs, and cease with this "ree don't platform people I don't agree with" nonsense that the left endlessly pushes, then we will win.
We will win because we know actual science is on our side, as well as the morality and honesty that we have.
There are people who aren't chronically online who will listen in good faith on both sides of this argument, and simply put our argument is stronger because we want to preserve life.
Building popular support by having debates with people who are willing to argue with us in good faith, too.
If someone is willing to hear our opinions and we are willing to hear theirs, and cease with this "ree don't platform people I don't agree with" nonsense that the left endlessly pushes, then we will win.
We will win because we know actual science is on our side, as well as the morality and honesty that we have.
There are people who aren't chronically online who will listen in good faith on both sides of this argument, and simply put our argument is stronger because we want to preserve life.