184 James Woods - "The question is, "Is it too late to salvage America?" When Republicans get elected, they spend an entire term cleaning up the mess. Like weary adults facing a weekend house party thrown by ill-bred teens, conservatives are sick and tired of lawless leftists destroying America." (twitter.com) posted 10 months ago by purkiss80 10 months ago by purkiss80 +185 / -1 17 comments share 17 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Republicans have lately been cleaning up next to nothing while creating their own messes.
Non-MAGA republicans are the second wing of the corrupt bird. You can't tell me Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, McConnell, Paul Ryan, Romney, etc, aren't all corrupt and assets of the evil empire.
They spend tons of money trying to sell their product and project a good image, then they turn their logo stars upside down.
Which is why my husband won't allow any "republican" political signs in our yard. Candidates, yes, but no "vote republican" type signs.