I think Abortion needs to be phased out slowly, as the living conditions, economy, and public morale start to improve post-Great Awakening
So much of the poor depends on it because of the rampant rape, prostitution, etc. that plagues the lower class as well as the inability to afford child care. As we clean out the ghettos and oust the democrat mayors keeping them there, ONLY THEN will we see reduced demand for abortion as it becomes more affordable to give birth to and raise a child.
We also need to as a society, discourage promiscuity among unmarried men and women, as that is another reason abortion demand is so high
I think Abortion needs to be phased out slowly, as the living conditions, economy, and public morale start to improve post-Great Awakening
So much of the poor depends on it because of the rampant rape, prostitution, etc. that plagues the lower class as well as the inability to afford child care. As we clean out the ghettos and oust the democrat mayors keeping them there, ONLY THEN will we see reduced demand for abortion as it becomes more affordable to give birth to and raise a child.
We also need to as a society, discourage promiscuity among unmarried men and women, as that is another reason abortion demand is so high