Trump’s presidential immunity claim would place troops in legal jeopardy if they abide unlawful orders, ex-officials warn
Troops could be placed in the precarious position of having to say no to the commander-in-chief or break the law should the Supreme Court grant former President Donald Trump’s motion to dismi…
Ok, so there are two outcomes:
a) Presidential immunity, which we must remember was spawned by the taking home of presidential records; and b) No presidential immunity, which implies that there is a 'higher authority', other than say: God - so Congress and SCOTUS, have power over the president.
Option a) means that Trump is given a 'free pass' LOL. Trump wins.
Option b) means EVERYBODY, alive or dead, who broke the law, while in power, is hunted down, and not necessarily by Trump himself. LOL. Trump wins, also.
So that's pretty comfy. Anyone have any of that buttery popcorn?
But, to be clear, there is that pesky three branches of government thingie. The Executive branch has it that presidents have immunity - they need flexibility to, for example,: Call Krushchev at the height of the Cuban Missile crisis when such peace-nik diplomatic activity could be construed as traitorous by War-hawks. Think I'm kidding? Why do you think it is illegal to even film missile strikes in Ukraine?
Congress and SCOTUS, i.e. the Legislative and Judiciary branches, can only offer advice, they cannot rule over the President - much as they would like to.