posted ago by TheHumanPrimer ago by TheHumanPrimer +36 / -1

First of all, this post is not a self-promotion. It is being provided as a service to us all. I will try to be brief.

Science has been able to measure the energies Human Beings emit for a very long time. This is not new science. We can measure brain waves, heart waves, biological markers, enzymes, proteins, cell functions and DNA… to name a few. This is all within mainstream science. Emerging sciences carry this a lot further but I will avoid these emerging sciences in this post.

When you think and feel you generate measurable energies. These measurable energies do not stop five feet away from your body. These energies continue and coalesce into an electromagnetic field of energy on earth… and beyond. It is akin to light. Light we observe from a planet 10 light years away happened a long time ago and just now reaching earth for us to see it. Human Energy generation is similar.

Imagine if you will, 4 billion people and trillions of animals generating energy… because they do. This energy amasses into a huge field of energy. This is akin to air. Both are like gigantic pools we all swim in. You can’t opt out. There are no exceptions. We do this with a “Trinty” of Human Energy generated by our thoughts, our feelings and our actions (mind, body and soul) or our (Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious) … we have many ways of describing them.

Ever done a soil sample to see what elements and chemicals are in your soil? All farmers are familiar with this. A sample is evaluated by a spectrometer that detects the unique frequency signature of each element or chemical. Yes, all matter emits a frequency that is unique and science can detect it. Brain wave measurements do the same thing. You have Gamma, Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta waves… all can be measured by their unique frequencies. All emotions have measurable signature.

We live on a planet that us shrouded by a field of energy that human beings generate. This is not arguable… it is a scientific fact. Think about this! If I (whomever I am) want to cause several billion people to generate FEAR then the result is a global field of fear energy. Although you might not be aware of it consciously… your subconscious is fully aware and connected. You are affected. You can’t opt-out. It is 100% inclusive. This little-known fact makes it easy for the masses to be controlled. If I can create an event in one country that destroys the place then I can change the electromagnetic field we all live in.

One fundamental of The Great Awakening is acknowledging this field exists, we are generating it and there are people on the planet intentionally manipulating it. This is fundamental to understand. Have you not noticed how the global power-brokers are bombarding us all with propaganda and real events to cause us to panic, hate, fear and be angry? Why do you think they are doing this? It is intentional. We can’t control them (at least for now) from causing the events but we CAN control our reactions to them.

Once you realize how this manipulation is done you will no longer have the intended “knee-jerk” reactions they wanted us to have. That my friends, is a huge Great Awakening. It makes us uncontrollable. We take our power back.

This is the reason that we are constantly encouraged (manipulated) to fight each other instead of unite. It is a trick and a very potent one. The Great Awakening is about changing the planet’s frequency away from all the negative hate, anger and fear and flip it to compassion, love and gratitude. It is a paradigm shift in energy on the planet that we control. We have been causing it all along and didn’t realize it. We have been tricked into sustaining a very low-vibrational energy field. This is how they control the world.

This information is not woo-woo doctrine. It is well known in the scientific communities but never spoken out loud. The Great Awakening is about waking people up to this simple knowledge. This is the way we create a nirvana on earth. It is the exact way we created the world we have now. We did that… but we were tricked and manipulated.

This forum is not to be used for self-promotion and advertising. We all applaud the MODS for eliminating these types of posts. Yet, this information is too important NOT to get out. I wrote a book years ago (600 pages of science) that was way too complicated for the average person to digest. So,I scraped it and changed it to a dialog and description of a big family called “The Atom’s Family” whereby the science can be more easily comprehended. I beg everyone to get a copy and read it. It is only 164 pages.

I genuinely believe this is the “keystone” needed to change the world. Please download or get a printed copy of “The Human Primer” by James Taylor.

I live deep in the countryside with 164 people in a small little town. We don’t even have a gas station. This book is my contribution to help us achieve a better world for our children and ourselves. It will be a great catalyst for enabling a Great Awakening. I strongly believe this is the time to propagate this knowledge. So, I again beg everyone to read it.

My genuine thanks and regards to all the Great Awakening folks here and around the world. It is time we took back our power!

-James Taylor (author)