posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +40 / -0



Media Matters maintains an ongoing list of instances in which Libs of TikTok’s social media posts are followed by real-world consequences, including bomb threats, harassment at medical clinics, threats of violence, and threats against public drag events. The list currently includes at least 42 instances of threats or harassment at 33 institutions as of March 27.

Just to be clear, every one of these supposed incidents was carried out by the loony left or their enablers, in order to change the subject away from what they are actually doing, and toward what you are allegedly doing.

This is similar to saying “Squirrel!”

They can’t defend their actions with a logical argument, so instead they turn it around and pretend they are the victims, and you are the oppressor.

We shall see who gets arrested for these crimes.

You know good and well if YOU did anything like this, youd be arrested within hours… but when THEY do it to themselves… FBI is baffled.