A Nationwide grass-root movement for de-fluoridation is growing.
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Fluoride on teeth has beneficial effects, so I can see why he'd use a fluoride product, even understanding that it's bad for us internally. A lot of things are like that.
The idea that fluoride in the water supply even has any relevance is also just... So very weird, because people still use a fluoridated tooth paste (not everyone of course) so it's not exactly measurable in a population.
They claim it's such a small trace amount, but people who don't and do drink the fluoridated water have bad and good teeth.
Frankly it amazes me that people were so thoroughly gaslit by fluoride in the water supply being a good thing, as when a lot of people drink water it barely even touches teeth.
They’re allegedly putting it in the water supply for a health/medical benefit. But it’s indiscriminate (you can’t monitor or control dosage) and it’s not voluntary, which should be a very serious crime.
I’m at the point that I’d question if it even has a benefit for people’s teeth. It sounds like an excuse to lace the water supply for some other purpose. Regardless, if you believe it and want to use it, then buy fluoride toothpaste and brush your teeth.
I was only aware of the supposed health/medical benefit being for teeth.
Is there more they try to say it's good for? Because that is some BEWWWLshiet.
Yes, it should be a choice to use fluoride. At least Zero Water filters explicitly filter out as much fluoride as possible.
We got a Zero Filter a few months back. Keep it right next to the sink. There’s off brand filters that are cheaper, compatible with the container, and just as effective. It’s actually a pretty economical way to remove fluoride.
I've yet to see a single non DS corporate funded study that shows that fluoride is good for your teeth. https://soapboxie.com/social-issues/fluoride-the-hidden-story
That is another urban legend pushed onto the masses to scare them and make them compliant cattle.
As an FYI: I'm from eastern Europe and other there there was no fluoride in anything. I can assure you that most people had healthy teeth.
I used to use fluoride tooth paste and I would visit my dentist every 6-8 months for a new filling.
I switched to a fluoride free nano-hydroxopatite calcium tooth paste(Japanese invention btw) and I haven't seen a dentist in 5 years now.