But, wait! Doesn't it depend on which state someone is in if it's ok to murder unborn babies?
Isn't that the general idea behind all the "states' rights" stuff we've been hearing lately?
I think it's absolutely bonkers how liberal people have become in their views on abortion.
Just a little over a year ago, when the SC was ruling on Roe vs Wade, the mood around here was that if you supported anything less than an eventual complete ban on abortion in the US, well, you were a baby killing Satanist and most likely a kiddie rapist as well.
But now, people are just pretty chill about it, kicking it over to the states to decide where it's ok to murder babies. 🤷♀️
Because God forbid we offend some fence sitting retard who doesn't know who to vote for yet. Because the handful of votes we might get for caving into the liberals threats is totally worth undoing all the progress we've made over the years.
Because the liberals sure as hell aren't laughing their asses off seeing all those supposedly hard assed conservatives suddenly backpeddling, babbling about "common sense solutions". 🙄
You are not going to win the war against baby killers by going 150 mph on this issue. There are profound spiritual and theological questions regarding the rights of a fertilized egg within hours or days of conception, for example. I know where I come down on it but I think we need to convince others rather than compel them. So how does that happen? If you are not a really religious person, you might be okay with the day after pill, for example. But when the "pro choice" people tell you that they are in favor of killing an innocent viable fetus that can feel pain, so as to Ebenezer Scrooge "decrease the surplus population", they might reassess whether there might be something to this "good versus evil" paradigm.
We are winning the battle on this issue with the young people so let's not fuck it up. It really is the boomers that are hell bent on killing babies up until the time of birth, and even after birth in the case of a botched abortion. At least where I live which is deep blue city/state. Young people really don't feel that worried about an unwanted pregnancy because it's not that hard to not get pregnant.
What I love about this segment with Bill Maher is that it is persuasive, not compulsive. He is literally making left leaning young people - who would, as Dennis Miller once said, step over a homeless person to spit on someone wearing a fur coat - think hard about what he is saying. He is literally telling them that the left is in favor of depopulation by force. This has huge implications because if an elite like Maher is verbatim telling his audience that, "yea, it's murder but there are too many people in the world", is it so crazy to think that people in his circle might think so too? And if that's what they think, what wouldn't they do? Perhaps create a bioweapon with a kill shot for good measure? I am convinced he is part of the deprogramming agenda. It just reeks of a psyop to me.
When you let voters, led by the deceiver, to vote in one of the most corrupt counties in the world about killing children, you ain’t winning anything. We can’t win this war. But God can. But not by being soft with God’s most innocent. Make your stance on His laws. God will take care of the rest. Maybe it gets worse? Maybe it won’t? But that’s not up to us. God puts you on a stage, in a position of where truth matters, I would advise you to stand for what God cares about. Not some plan you’ve come up with. Your plan will suck compared to His. People claim to have faith in God, but as soon as they lay their cross at His feet, and let Him handle this, we immediately pick it back up and expect different results. If people want God to handle this, then do what’s different. Don’t be like the world. Trust in Him.
But, wait! Doesn't it depend on which state someone is in if it's ok to murder unborn babies?
Isn't that the general idea behind all the "states' rights" stuff we've been hearing lately?
I think it's absolutely bonkers how liberal people have become in their views on abortion.
Just a little over a year ago, when the SC was ruling on Roe vs Wade, the mood around here was that if you supported anything less than an eventual complete ban on abortion in the US, well, you were a baby killing Satanist and most likely a kiddie rapist as well.
But now, people are just pretty chill about it, kicking it over to the states to decide where it's ok to murder babies. 🤷♀️
Because God forbid we offend some fence sitting retard who doesn't know who to vote for yet. Because the handful of votes we might get for caving into the liberals threats is totally worth undoing all the progress we've made over the years.
Because the liberals sure as hell aren't laughing their asses off seeing all those supposedly hard assed conservatives suddenly backpeddling, babbling about "common sense solutions". 🙄
You are not going to win the war against baby killers by going 150 mph on this issue. There are profound spiritual and theological questions regarding the rights of a fertilized egg within hours or days of conception, for example. I know where I come down on it but I think we need to convince others rather than compel them. So how does that happen? If you are not a really religious person, you might be okay with the day after pill, for example. But when the "pro choice" people tell you that they are in favor of killing an innocent viable fetus that can feel pain, so as to Ebenezer Scrooge "decrease the surplus population", they might reassess whether there might be something to this "good versus evil" paradigm.
We are winning the battle on this issue with the young people so let's not fuck it up. It really is the boomers that are hell bent on killing babies up until the time of birth, and even after birth in the case of a botched abortion. At least where I live which is deep blue city/state. Young people really don't feel that worried about an unwanted pregnancy because it's not that hard to not get pregnant.
What I love about this segment with Bill Maher is that it is persuasive, not compulsive. He is literally making left leaning young people - who would, as Dennis Miller once said, step over a homeless person to spit on someone wearing a fur coat - think hard about what he is saying. He is literally telling them that the left is in favor of depopulation by force. This has huge implications because if an elite like Maher is verbatim telling his audience that, "yea, it's murder but there are too many people in the world", is it so crazy to think that people in his circle might think so too? And if that's what they think, what wouldn't they do? Perhaps create a bioweapon with a kill shot for good measure? I am convinced he is part of the deprogramming agenda. It just reeks of a psyop to me.
When you let voters, led by the deceiver, to vote in one of the most corrupt counties in the world about killing children, you ain’t winning anything. We can’t win this war. But God can. But not by being soft with God’s most innocent. Make your stance on His laws. God will take care of the rest. Maybe it gets worse? Maybe it won’t? But that’s not up to us. God puts you on a stage, in a position of where truth matters, I would advise you to stand for what God cares about. Not some plan you’ve come up with. Your plan will suck compared to His. People claim to have faith in God, but as soon as they lay their cross at His feet, and let Him handle this, we immediately pick it back up and expect different results. If people want God to handle this, then do what’s different. Don’t be like the world. Trust in Him.