He was the one that got me into a number of polyglot channels. Being one myself, since child-hood, the quick turn-around for him, and others, has spurred me to now learn Russian via Duolingo( a site where my son was learning Spanish, so that he could talk to a fellow gamer). Russian, because of the war, and the runes on the maps. LOL.
It's an eyeopener! Much easier than the dusty text-books and dubious pronunciation from ancient teachers - ten minutes a day, they say, but it soon turns into half an hour. And it is a game.
He was the one that got me into a number of polyglot channels. Being one myself, since child-hood, the quick turn-around for him, and others, has spurred me to now learn Russian via Duolingo( a site where my son was learning Spanish, so that he could talk to a fellow gamer). Russian, because of the war, and the runes on the maps. LOL.
It's an eyeopener! Much easier than the dusty text-books and dubious pronunciation from ancient teachers - ten minutes a day, they say, but it soon turns into half an hour. And it is a game.