Wow! Great review that confirms my suspicions. The reviewer even calls it a leftist wet dream. It also confirms that a black, female executes a President Trump avatar. But that's the image behind the entire closing credits??? These people are truly sick and evil, if they think they are being neutral.
Hi, I couldn't get a screenshot of the final image that plays over the end credits as the copy on Pirate sites cuts off before the end so that was as best as I could get it to illustrate the point, but the final final closing shot is even more egregious in their gloating over the corpse of the President!!
But make no mistake, this is a leftist film under the guise of being "neutral" as I say in the vid.
Wow! Great review that confirms my suspicions. The reviewer even calls it a leftist wet dream. It also confirms that a black, female executes a President Trump avatar. But that's the image behind the entire closing credits??? These people are truly sick and evil, if they think they are being neutral.
Hi, I couldn't get a screenshot of the final image that plays over the end credits as the copy on Pirate sites cuts off before the end so that was as best as I could get it to illustrate the point, but the final final closing shot is even more egregious in their gloating over the corpse of the President!!
But make no mistake, this is a leftist film under the guise of being "neutral" as I say in the vid.