Today's Muslims require 5 male witnesses to agree with woman charging rape or she will be buried in sand to her waist and stoned to death. Allah began as a moon God, who thinks men can have many wives and concubines and endorses slavery even in 2024. Allah tells his people who leave their religion must be executed, to marry six year olds, to use little boys as sex objects, to rape other men and that women are worth half a man. And the man who attacked the bishop? He was just doing as Allah directed him. Not my God.
Today's Muslims require 5 male witnesses to agree with woman charging rape or she will be buried in sand to her waist and stoned to death. Allah began as a moon God, who thinks men can have many wives and concubines and endorses slavery even in 2024. Allah tells his people who leave their religion must be executed, to marry six year olds, to use little boys as sex objects, to rape other men and that women are worth half a man. And the man who attacked the bishop? He was just doing as Allah directed him. Not my God.
Wjy is this purple? Secret codes are so confusing.