203 Best Quick explanation of why we should not be “standing” with Ukraine. Send this to your retarded normie friends. (twitter.com) 💊 RED PILL 💊 posted 331 days ago by Honor+Duty 331 days ago by Honor+Duty +203 / -0 44 comments share 44 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I'm not a Robert Kennedy fan but on this subject he is spot on!
Seems like he's there to pull democrats off their hypnosis.
And (hopefully) run as a third pdrty candidate who royally f*cks the dems' heady plans to cheat their asses off AGAIN in November, in what they're building up to be a two-way only race.
The treaty specifically stated nato would not expand.
He is definitely read in on the script of this movie, and playing the part as written!